Burned out…

I took a 2 week break from work, completely shutting it off from my life refusing to answer any calls or any messages.  I have learned something valuable in which is why I feel so desperate to leave this job and role.  I am beyond burned out from it, I feel like that rusted nail bent sideways that keeps getting hammered and not going anywhere in which is causing a feeling that I just can’t do it anymore. I was and still is very close to move an “I’m done” email and send it and calling it quits after 7 years.

Digging deeper and it isn’t the actual job itself but it is the actual change that keeps unfolding with 0 communication and the micromanagement caused by a bad employee loosing trust with all employee’s and no matter what I do or show it helps me none.  Leaving me feel extremely unappreciated and overworked and again nothing I can do about it and that itself makes work very not enjoyable. I just wish I could venture to these excellent jobs I’ve applied for and their kick ass values they show off. Too bad I was too impressive with these employers to a point they needed someone not impressive because that was all the excuses I got for when they went with another. I am 100% sure I can do the job I’ve applied for thus is why I’ve applied for it.

I am persistent, I’ll find something.

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