WRnet the stream. the blog date 08222021

Hi there,

In recent times I have made adjustments to my own stream, maybe you have taken notice or have seen it. I have removed more personal things from it and leave it towards as a hobbiest / gamer would do.  I would love to shift and beable to make streaming my main platform for not just my name but for my business as well.

I work hard and I don’t see the success in my work, I hit live every day for the past 4 years and rarely I get seen or even noticed.  I sit with 1 maybe 2 viewers, sometime I might get that host that has over 5 viewers to even 10 but an average viewership is always 1 – 3 viewers.

One time, someone has said  “you need to choose better friends” technically they are right, the ones I call friends and I bend over back supporting when it comes my turn, they are no where to be found and this is why I have trust issues.

I’ve held campaigns to build a custom pc and ship to a lucky person if I was able to achieve partnership, or just to gather the numbers I’ve held a campaign to give away free steam games of choice if I made the numbers per week. I’ve been so willing to give back but no one is listening.  My stream is no different than the popular streamers out there for various games it’s just not my stream, it’s not me. The issue is how I am ignored from the friends I tried to call upon.

In the end, I bake the cookies and I will continue to bake.  I am not going to pull something out of the over because of another cookie was over baked in a different oven.

Other words, I will hit live as scheduled for sept. 1st as like I normally do and no one will even care / notice. It doesn’t impact anything if I don’t go live nor will it impact me going live to begin with.

As for the communities that I seem to still show some support are still hypocritical form from it’s own, I have bowed out of that mess along time ago. If I am still apart of it, it might be because maybe someone might have a change of heart one day and include me but that hope has died along time ago and I rarely even care anymore.

On another side note, that’s cool the movement is getting a name, just like I say about celebrities on TV.  “Good for you” as my life goes on with no one behind me and I stand alone. I will still be optimistic and walk my own path.

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