Warframe vs Destiny 2. I Went Back to Des2

Hi there,

I have recently have taken a new road and replaced my warframe content creation for over 2 years+ and my countless of applying to partnership to now content creator has failed.   I can’t keep creating content just not to be noticed by now. I spent my time from MR0 to MR28 live on twitch. I am a simple no one, they are a bit uppity with who they select to represent them and don’t cater at all to the aspiring ones who is working hard not just to enjoy a game but to also share that to others to inspire them to play along with you.  Instead they hand pick favorites especially really bad eggs out there who are more of a sell out streamer than a real community, or a streamer who keeps it real, so to speak.

So here is what I am going to dig into, my review of Warframe vs Destiny 2…
Both are beautiful games, one is first person RPG like game the other not so much more like Hack and Slash shooting hybrid.  Before I got heavy into Warframe in 2018, I was heavy into Destiny 2, even tho I did play Warframe was extremely bad in Jan of 2014.

I am going to list my view of the problems with Warframe: even over the times they are too much into creating content in relation they seem to have a mind set that they have to give things back all the time, this is why we are over saturated with “warframes” and “weapons” in the game. They seem to be mixed of what content is and feel like they keep people hooked with giving them free stuff they can “farm” for.

When they announce stuff, they normally under deliver but give a smoke screen of per-se an “I am sorry” to the community.  Recently instead of doing the new world add on they  recycled one and used the same framework of Fortuna and Plains of Eidolon and it really feel like it was a spike of “hey, sorry but here is something we can throw together really quick”.

I never realized this until recently but Warframe is technically a 3d clone of Diablo. But I am a fan of Diablo Games, so I will give something positive to say about it.  This game is basically the same concept of Diablo, Each node is a dungeon you run and complete and have a random drop. If Diablo made a 3rd person hack / slash game Warframe would be it.  You farm the dungeon (location) until you get the drop you want, added materials for more farming of the dungeons(locations). Makes time go by due to all the farming.  I guess the community is good? I feel rather ignored from the community especially when I ask questions or give feedback / help.

Destiny 2, it’s a shitshow since it was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed pre blizzard speration and became a bigger shitshow after, but with beyond light and the vaulting of the planets. it’s actually becoming better again.

You can’t compare Destiny 2 vs Warframe because technically they are both a different genre, but somehow it gets assumed they are? so my positive feed back in this game is:
This is a FPS game not a 3rd person hack and slash.
It has a solid story line and alot of nice features, it feels like a First person shooter with an RP feel and a bit of both pvp and pve all over.  It does have the random generated weapon stats but it’s minor to the weapon you want to go for, weapons are not over saturated and exotics feel epic when you get them especially hidden ones to even extremely rare ones.

So, I just say experience warframe for yourself they came a very long way and it’s much easier now than it used to be and give destiny 2 a try as well, they are no longer apart of blizzard-activision so they do their own thing now which makes the game even more focused and strong to make their own decisions.

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