Holding back on some stream things

I gave over 2 years of Warframe Content from being MR0 to MR28 quest and dug into all the new content and I have met all their requirements since I’ve started applying to now defunct partership in 2018 and got denied with a generic reason and since then I’ve been ignored with future requests to being ignored with the Content Creator program.  DE doesn’t seem to see that with me and their partners / content creators seem to turn a nose to me as well.

I love this game, I love creating it’s content and helping new players out all the time. But Digital Extremes doesn’t want me to keep doing this for you all and because of that I can’t stream this game title on twitch anymore.  It was fun, but hey. I will continue to help and assist others but this will be offline.

I am tired of being ignored, I offer too much and give too much back with nothing in return especially when I have done everything to be apart of their team.

So, if you want Warframe back on my weekly schedule I’d start flooding DE to do something positive.

Thanks for reading.

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