DLive – Post Stream Write up

As you have known, I have been streaming on Dlive.tv/WonderingRaven for over 2 months now, I started for a plan of 1 month but extended to two months. I never got to their affiliate status as it is beyond hard to do any type of networking on, it’s hard to be discovered it seems streaming games. It is hard to do any type of discovery or networking on this service and more I dig into the other streamers more “Yikes” I tend to get.

When I attempt to reach out to other streamers on DLive, they stream content that I just cannot jive with. I just can’t do it, it is beyond too political and too many tin foil hat wearers there and then it also harbors hate groups or allows them to use the platform to stream on as they cannot stream on Twitch nor YouTube.

Because of this I am going to reach out to my brother and get my nephew remove from this platform because of this nonsense that isn’t regulated.

Dlive suffers a viewer bot flaw that twitch had years ago but it is no point of having a lot of viewers because the browsing is technically shuffles who is playing what in that catagory.

Dlive has potential, I might continue my CTF’s there for the meanwhile but I am removing my game in my primetime of going live.

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