30 Job Interviews in 4 months

I’ve actually interviewed with over 30 jobs in over 4 months.. that is  insane.
but sadly…. none accepted me.

Well, I have grown to my limits with this position, it’s not allowing me to advance on gain more knowledge and so on. The work environment has became toxic since I was thrown under the buss and made an example of in 2019 and my mom dies a week after, this job is like working in a pirate ship they look all to be your friends but they are there to stab you in the back when you need their help the most.

This job has been most stressful and it’s on job duties that is not mine, stuff I didn’t sign up for. The stress is beyond a level than it should be I guess this is why I am on the verge of putting in my 2 weeks and quitting for over a year now. I feel like I am wasting my talent and my time being in this job and I don’t want to be at this feeling. Life is too short to have this kind of stress level I don’t give a damn if the casino just got sold and all the bullshit, I had enough and damn it I have had enough.

I lost my nervous feeling with interviews on the 2nd interview a few months ago, so it is technically not being nervous anymore.

Just I don’t know what I am doing wrong, I’ve answered their technical questions, I do all the things right that should have potentially say “you’re hired”.  But I don’t, I am ready to submit this 2 weeks and break away now I just wished it would be with another company   and not end up being unemployed.

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